Our Ministries
Man... The image and the glory of God!
Man... Be strong and courageous!
PEMEM (Pentecost Men’s Ministry) was formed to cater for the interest of all men in the church.
The vision and the mission of the PEMEM:
· For the men to fulfil their destiny as the image and glory of God.
· For the men to undertake their responsibilities as fathers and head of the family.
· For the men to carry the Gospel to the unsaved until all come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
· To train and equip the men spiritually to take leadership role in the church.
· For the men to influence their environment with their godly character.
· To train and equip the men to affect their environment
· For the men to be prosperous and successful in both their spiritual and physical lives.
Holiness... Unto the Lord!
The Women’s Movement was formed to encourage women to build a strong prayer life so that their role of praying for the church and its leaders could be achieved, to help the women build a strong spiritual family life, to be able to function as good wives and mothers and be shining examples as Christian mothers in the society.
The vision and the mission of the Women's Movement:
· For the women to be holy in all their living.
· For the women to know the scriptures and carry the good news to the unsaved.
· To influence their family and home with the good news.
· The women are trained and thought to love their husband.
· The women are given the necessary teachings concerning their household chores.
· The women are nurtured along the character of most faithful and holy women in the bible.
· The women are trained to take responsibilities in the church and the environment.
· The women render benevolent services to the needy.
Women's Ministry
Youth... Arise and shine!
Youth... Remember your creator now!
This movement consists of the youth in the church. Sandwiched between the children and adult, this group was formed to enable the youth to meet and learn topics pertaining to their stage.
Most topics treated in a typical youth class are mainly to encourage the youth to live pure lives and flee from youthful lusts. Lessons on the life of Joseph, Daniel, Timothy, Samuel, etc. are prevalent in the youth syllabus.
The vision and the mission of the Youth Movement:
To mobilise the youth in and outside the church and offer all kinds of training.
To equip the youth with the gospel of truth.
To attract other youth into the house of God by organising youth inter-related programs like career and counselling.
To offer periodic training to the parents and guardians on how to live with the youth of today.
Annual camp meetings are organised to offer teachings and training selected from all sectors of great importance.
To offer free computer training to all the youth.
Jesus... The friend of little children!
Jesus... The one who welcomes all children!
This is the kids’ movement. The main goal is to train the children of the church in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. They learn the scripture and character study of some biblical characters who through the fear of God became highly regarded and famous men in their time.
The vision and the mission of the Children Movement:
To nurture the children along the brilliant mentors in the Bible.
To offer all kinds training which will make the children proactive in the church and in the society.
All the grandaunts from the children are ushered into the youth as steps in developing into fruitful adults.
Our wonderful and spirit-filled singers and instrumentalists! One of the main ways we glorify God is through praise. One of the main reasons God called David a man after God’s own heart was that David was a man of praise. The music ministry was formed to help the church to praise and worship God through spirit-filled songs.
To be people of praise, we must come to the end of ourselves, flee to God as our refuge, and express it to Him in song.